
PMR OVER!!!!!!

yeh...PMR is over loh...so hapi....haha...
act...nt realy very hapi oso...
bcs i miss the air-cond in dewan...
bcs i miss some "beautiful" examiner walking bside me when i was sitting 4 the exam or when i was sleeping...
bcs i miss the examiner owiz ucap "selamat petang"/"selamat pagi" to us....
bcs i miss the examiner owiz told us :" Para-para calon , sila ambil perhatian! Anda hanya tinggal 10 minit untuk menjawab..."
bcs i miss after the all examiner collect our paper...the head examiner told us :"Anda boleh meninggalkan dewan peperiksaan sekarang!"
bcs i miss the toilet that we use during exam...OMG...the toilet juz lk a hotel...is damn beautiful n clean...
bcs ...bcs...bcs...alot of bcs....
bcs i miss all the thing b4 the exam(i seriously studying)....during the exam(i seriously sleeping n doing n thinking)...after the exam(i seriously chit chat v frens)....
haiz...i damn miss all that......
haha...i oso damn hapi bcs i finish my Form3 d....yeh...
Form 4!!!!!IM COMING!!!!!!!

